Shelton Fleming, a leading live, digital events, and marketing agency and EVCOM member headquartered in London Bridge, London, is proud to announce it has been awarded ISO 20121 certification. This internationally recognized standard acknowledges Shelton Fleming’s commitment to delivering exceptional event experiences while minimizing environmental impact.

Shelton Fleming is a forward-thinking live, digital events, and marketing agency based in London. Part of the London Bridge Decarbonisation Charter, they are working to make the area one of the most sustainable places to do business in the world. Shelton Fleming leverages creativity, innovation, and a commitment to sustainability to deliver impactful events that elevate their client’s conversations.

ISO 20121 is the international benchmark for sustainable event management. By achieving this certification, Shelton Fleming demonstrates its dedication to continuous improvement and innovation within the industry. The company recognizes the growing need for businesses to take responsibility for their environmental footprint, and this certification signifies a significant step towards a more sustainable future for events.

“We are thrilled to receive ISO 20121 certification,” says Maurice Fleming, CEO at Shelton Fleming. “This achievement reflects our ongoing commitment to delivering high-impact events while minimizing environmental impact. It’s not just about following trends; it’s about taking a leadership role in driving positive change within the events industry.”


Clients will benefit from a multitude of advantages associated with working with agencies that have ISO 20121 certification:

  • Reduced Environmental Impact: Shelton Fleming implements strategies to minimize waste, conserve resources, and reduce carbon emissions throughout the event lifecycle.
  • Holistic supply chain: Assurance that Shelton Fleming actively interrogates its supply chain on their sustainable practices, material use, energy and waste management.
  • Stronger Brand Reputation: Partnering with a sustainability-focused agency allows clients to project an environmentally conscious image and align themselves with responsible business practices.
  • Future-Proofed Events: By embracing sustainable practices, Shelton Fleming ensures clients’ events are compliant with evolving environmental regulations and expectations.


Shelton Fleming views ISO 20121 certification not just as an achievement, but a call to action for the entire events industry.

“Every event, big or small, has an environmental impact,” says Nick Grimaldi, Client Services Director. “We encourage our peers to join us in embracing sustainable practices. By working together, we can create a more responsible and environmentally friendly future for events.”

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