The issues facing planners have changed. The Northstar/Cvent Meetings Industry PULSE Report gives suppliers proven insight into evolving planner sentiment, covering the state of meetings and events, the importance of rebuilding relationships and how planners are evaluating venues.

Check out some of the key findings below in this report put together by our partner Cvent:

Now Available: 2022 Meeting Planner Survey Findings

Event professionals need help restarting their meetings and events program. Our latest pulse survey will provide you with key insights to attract planners right now!

A sneak peek into the latest insights:

  1. 68% are actively booking or sourcing new meetings and events
  2. 59% expect to plan more in-person events in 2023 vs. 2022
  3. The final quarter of the year is going to be very busy, but planners report attendance numbers still aren’t back to prepandemic levels.
  4. 54% are experiencing difficulties over lack of hotel staffing
  5. 53% say concern about a new COVID variant impacts current planning
  6. 86% say that rising costs are having a materiel impact on events


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