The annual jfdi/Opinium New Business Barometer provides invaluable insights and industry-wide stats to enable agencies to benchmark their performance. It is the largest survey of new business professionals in UK creative agencies, and you can take part here until 16th December! It only takes a couple of minutes to complete, and the information collected from the Barometer will help you create more effective new business strategies going forward.

We interviewed jfdi about the history and importance of the survey, and why you should take the time to fill it in.


Can you tell us a bit about the history of this survey? When was it started and why?

It is now in its 6th year. As leaders in helping agencies to build new business, the Barometer was a way for jfdi to help them to understand the landscape and to turbo charge their new business strategies with foundational insights


What impact has the survey had in previous years on the industry and agencies within it?

It is the biggest survey of its kind and unrivalled. Agencies come back year after year to hone their insights and understanding.

“The Barometer has become an integral part of my new business and marketing planning process.  The data not only enables me to benchmark success across a number of metrics, but also track trends in agency approaches.  However, most importantly it’s provided objectivity and context when making recommendations to senior leadership.”

  – Nick Goff, Group Head of Business Development, VCCP


The survey focuses on new business. Why is it so important to gather insight around this area?

This is jfdi’s area of expertise. New Business helps businesses to grow. It is a competitive landscape in which agencies operate and understanding how to fine tune their strategies to become more effective will help their businesses to grow.


What’s the biggest benefit of taking part in the survey?

The unique insights that can only be found in the jfdi/Opinium New Business Barometer report and the EVCOM round table where they can probe those insights to their own benefit. And of course it is completely free.

PLUS by completing the survey, you’ll also be:

  • Entered into a weekly draw to win one of 8 places at a jfdi new business workshop to help you turn the Barometer insights into action
  • Entered into a monthly draw to win one of three prizes of 5 omnibus research questions worth £1250 from Opinium to help you validate insights and ideas to win a pitch
  • Have £5 donated on your behalf to Foodbank The Trussell Trust – Stop UK Hunger
  • Be sent a highly-desired ‘froggie stress ball’ for the year ahead.

Complete the survey here.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

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