A week in the events community with EVCOM
Last week was a busy week for us. We attended The Meetings Show, where we spoke as part of their education programme, sharing some insight into...
Next Gen into Next Leaders: The Meetings Show
This week Claire Fennelow (EVCOM's Executive Director) and myself, with shadow board member Sophie Evans (Performing Artistes), spoke at The...
An Interview with Laura Smith (Account Executive Intern, Top Banana)
Laura Smith is our current Account Executive intern, based in our Manchester offices. She’s studying Events Management at Manchester Metropolitan...
The Power of Events launches brand for industry showcase hub
Evolving out of the covid response collaborative One Industry One Voice, The Power of Events was created in April 2022 and just two months on...
Member Feature Article: Technology
Technology is changing the way we can create events and film, as well as the wider world in general. So for this month’s member feature article...
One Minute With…Graeme Massey (JacobsMassey)
We spoke to new member Graeme Massey, Managing Director at JacobsMassey, for his thoughts on creativity, the pandemic and films you can't live...
Partner News: Join us at TwentyThree’s WebinarDays Programme
Our brilliant video platform partner TwentyThree, who host our video hub and many of our webinars, are running their annual WebinarDays event...
A Guide to Entering the EVCOM London Live and Film Awards 2022
The EVCOM London Live and Film Awards are officially open for entry! And to help you as you go through the entry process, we've created this...
Member News: Ground breaking green studio forges a future towards sustainable filmmaking
RD Studios, a new independent studio in the heart of London, opens it doors for the first time today, Thursday 5 May. Set to be the largest...