Member Feature: Occasions
With a swathe of bank holidays coming up, Easter just past and a coronation only weeks away, this month’s member feature article is all about...
Stress Awareness Month: The Perfect Place to Start Tackling the Impact of Workplace Stress
April is Stress Awareness Month, and our partner Stress Matters have shared their thoughts on how employers can use this month to tackle the...
Member News: JLL Acquires Scruffy Bear Pictures As Part of Ambitious Growth Plans for 2023
Multi-award winning full-service technical production partner, JLL, has acquired Scruffy Bear Pictures, an acclaimed independent film company....
Event Industry Trends to Watch in 2023
As you lean in and take advantage of the business opportunities in 2023, take a look at our partner Cvent's eBook to discover some of the top,...
Martyn’s Law: What It Is and How to Find Out More
The UK’s resilience to terrorism is to be stepped up, as the government announces details for the Protect Duty, now to be known as ‘Martyn’s Law’...
KPIs: what are they and how can small businesses use them?
by Charrie Hayes (Consultant | Researcher, Digital Content & Media) For small business owners, understanding and utilizing key performance...
Member Feature Article: CSR
In line with our cause-driven focused Clarion Awards being open for entry until midnight on the 21st March, for this month's member feature...
A Word from the Board: Matt Franks on Event Inclusivity
by Matt Franks Inclusion is high on everyone’s agenda and should be ever present in the world that we live in. In recent years Inclusion has...
Member News: JLLighting Ltd and JLLive Ltd Join Together Under One Unified Brand Identity – JLL
Lights, Camera, Action! JLLighting and JLLive are joining together under one new single brand identity and comprehensive offering. JLL will be a...