We speak to 2021 Realise Award shortlistee and Events Management student Ella Corbin about her journey so far, what she loves about the events industry and what advice she’d give to people considering the industry.

Tell us about what you’re up to at the moment, and your journey to get there.

I am currently preparing to begin my second year studying Events Management at Bournemouth University. My main focus at the moment is collating all my previous experience in events and volunteering, as well as identifying my key interests within the events industry to put together a strong CV to start applying for my placement year beginning in 2023. Throughout my first year at university I was able to dip my toe into multiple aspects of events, including corporate, charity events, sports events, and festivals. These volunteering opportunities have allowed me to socialise and connect with different event professionals, facilitating my studies further by putting theory into practise.


What do you love about what you do?

Through the work experience and events I have been fortunate enough to have completed, I have realised my favourite thing about the events industry is how fast-paced and dynamic it is. Every day is different and you’re never bored. There is so much teamwork involved (more than I ever realised before starting university) and this allows you to grow and learn from people from different backgrounds and experiences. As well as this, the events industry allows so much creativity and attracts open-minded individuals, allowing you to really throw yourself into what you do, making it even more exciting!


What do you wish you had known before starting out in the industry? What advice would you give to young people starting out in the industry now?

At the start of my journey into events, I always disregarded work experience I thought was irrelevant. For example, my key inspiration to pursue a career in events was organising my Sixth Form Leavers Ball. When it came to interviews and conversations with event professionals early on in my degree, I thought it sounded silly because it was something I did when I was very young and still in school – this is not the case! Any experience is valuable and you should be proud of it. My key advice to anyone starting out in the industry would be to take any opportunity, work experience, or volunteering, possible. You can learn fantastic skills and you never know who you’re going to meet.


For those readers still considering whether this industry is the right place for them, tell us what you love most about it. What appealed to you about the industry?

The thing that appealed the most to me about the events industry is the constant fast paced and creative environment. If you are someone who is organised and enjoys a challenge, but also has a creative side, this is the perfect industry for you. In school I enjoyed academics, but was very interested in art and design. This industry uses creativity on a daily basis to overcome obstacles, especially during the pandemic and covid regulations in order to keep the industry alive.


Can you recommend one resource for young people starting in the industry to check out?

When I attended the EVCOM London Live and Film Awards back in November, I met the founder of Event Grads, which is an online platform on Facebook and Instagram which shares different experiences from event students and graduates, as well as job opportunities. You can connect with people in the same position as you, as well as seek advice for dissertations, placement years, and graduate roles. Also, Instagram is a fantastic platform to follow different event professionals to keep updated on what’s happening in the industry and to meet new people.

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