As we get ready to open the EVCOM London Live and Film Awards for your entries on the 10th June, we wanted to share with you this short guide to entering, with key pieces of information, details about the entry process and frequently asked questions answered!

Key Information

The EVCOM London Live and Film Awards recognise creativity and excellence in the corporate film and events sector. We have a range of categories, including old favourites and new categories that have been created in response to the current crisis. You can find out more about the new categories for 2021 here. Please note, in the EVCOM London Live Awards, all categories are open to virtual, hybrid and in person events.

The key dates for your diary are as follows:

10th June 2021: Entries Open for the EVCOM London Live and Film Awards
30th July 2021: Entries Close for the EVCOM London Live and Film Awards
30th September 2021: EVCOM London Live and Film Awards Shortlist Announced
25th November 2021: EVCOM London Live and Film Awards Ceremony

The entry costs for the EVCOM London Live and Film Awards are below. We understand that entering awards can be an expensive business, so we have early bird rates available until Friday 25th June. Enter by then to make the most of the discounted rate. We also have a special price point for freelancers to enter their work.

Freelancer: £100 (+VAT)
Member: £150 (+VAT)
Non-Member: £225 (+VAT)
Early bird freelancer: £80 (+VAT)
Early bird member: £125 (+VAT)
Early bird non-member: £200 (+VAT)


EVCOM London Live and Film Awards Entry Questions

For each entry, we will ask you to answer the following questions. Each answer can be a maximum of 200 words. We ask you to put time into answering these questions, as a significant part of the judges scoring allocation is weighted across these questions.

Let’s start at the very beginning.

What was the objective of the project, and why has it been made? What was the brief, how did you approach it and what did you do to meet it?

Help us to get into the details.

We are interested in the specifics for the project. We want to know more about the various elements of the project and how you and your team drew them together. We are interested in the size and scope and complexity of the project, and your teams experience of working on it. We’d also love to hear about anything that you think will help us to understand the context, setting, environment (positive and negative) for the project and deliverables.

Let’s talk about creativity and innovation.

This is the creativity question and we’d love to hear how you tackled the brief with creative ways of thinking and working to the fore. What was the creative thread running through the project? Was there anything new, different or innovative about the way you designed or delivered this project? And if not, what makes this project special? And looking at the wider context of the project, did you come up against challenges that you had to find creative solutions for?

How it made a difference.

We want to understand more about why your work matters in the space it is seeking to make a difference. We are interested to know more about the legacy of your project. What impact did the project have on its audience and its field? If you have ROI, ROO and other meaningful statistics, we’d like to see them here, however we understand it is not always possible to provide meaningful statistics for these things, and that projects are often submitted before that information is available. If that’s the case, we’d love to hear about the intended impact of the project.

Please ensure that you do not mention your name/ the name of your agency when answering these questions. We also ask that any supporting materials are not branded. This is to ensure anonymity in the judging process.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: The film I want to submit is part of a series. Can I submit the whole series as a single entry?

A: Yes, depending on the length of the series. We can accept a series of up to five short films in one entry. We recommend choosing the strongest films from the series if it is longer than this, as the series of films will be given an overall mark by our judges.

Q: I want to enter a virtual event. Which category can I submit to?

A: You can submit to any categories in the EVCOM London Live Awards. We are accepting virtual, hybrid and in person events across all our live categories!

Q: I’m not sure which category to enter my work into. How should I proceed?

A: You can enter the same project into multiple categories, but if you are having difficulty choosing which categories to place your work in, please get in touch with and the EVCOM team will do their best to advise you!

Q: My client is awards-shy; what should I do?

A: Some clients are a little awards-shy and sometimes for good reason. Clients who need to be anonymous, can be. We’ll need to know who the client is for the judging process but, from that point on, you have the option to keep your client’s name out of the spotlight. We can ensure that the client name is anonymous throughout and, we can also speak directly to your client and talk them through our process and safe-guards. If your client needs to be anonymous, please make a note on your entry and email

Q: The project I want to enter was published/ delivered in summer last year. Is it still eligible?

A: Projects and events published/ delivered after the 1st July 2020 up until this year‘s deadline, 30th July March 2021, are eligible for entry. Anything within that year span is eligible for entry.

Q: I’m not an EVCOM member – can I enter?

A: Yes! Entrants do not need to be members of EVCOM to enter the awards; however member entrants receive a significant discount on their entries. Find out more about EVCOM Membership here.

If you have any more questions that aren’t covered here, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via We look forward to seeing your entries in the coming weeks. Best of luck!

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